Adding REST parameters

The REST service URI supports query, path, and form parameters.

Note: You cannot use the Java reserved words as the parameters such as int, char, or boolean.
Path parameter
Path parameters are used to identify entities, represent hierarchies or to provide data to a resource. They are not intended to filter or restrict information like query parameters. A resource can have more than one path parameter to represent hierarchical data. The curly braces are only used to identify path parameter values.

The illustration below provides URI examples with path parameters:

/customers/{customer-id}, where {customer-id} indicates it is a path parameter, and customer-id is the path parameter value.

/customers/{customer-id}/orders/{order-id}, wherein customer-id and order-id are the two path parameters defined in the URI.

You can add a path parameter using the New REST Resource dialog

Query parameter
Query parameters represents search criterion and restricts the result list like a filter. They are not intended to identify entities of a resource or to select the representation like path parameters. A query parameter starts with a "?". A resource can have more than one query parameter that is separated with "&".

The illustration below provides URI examples with query parameter:

/customers/{customer-name}/info?zip=[cust-zip] , where ? indicates that it is a query parameter, zip is the parameter name, and [cust-zip] is the query value.

/customers/{customer-name}/info?zip=cust-zip&name=cust-name, wherein zip and cust-name are the two query parameters defined in the URI.

Here the customer zip code is passed as a query parameter using which the query returns the matching customer names.
Note: In a resource URI, you must always specify a query parameter after a path parameter. Any path parameter specified after a query parameter will be handled as a query parameter.

You can add a query parameter using either the New REST Resource dialog or Managing nodes

Form parameter
Form parameters can be used with only the PUT and POST verbs. You can add a form parameter using the Add Node dialog.