REST service statistics

The Progress OpenEdge Server Monitor view provides summary of a selected REST service on the Summary tab, statistics on the Statistics tab, and properties on the Properties tab. The REST service properties are stored in the <service name>.props file.

Note: The summary, statistics, and properties displayed in this view are read-only. You can modify these properties from the OpenEdge Management console. See OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer: Configuration guide.

Summary tab

This tab displays the following summary details:

Property Description
Name The name of a selected REST service.
REST service URL The REST service Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).
Enabled Indicates if the application is enabled or disabled for client access.

Properties tab

This tab displays the following runtime properties:

Property Description
AppService Host The host name for the NameServer or AppServer that supports a REST service. Defaults to localhost.
AppService Name The name of an application service supported by the specified NameServer or AppServer and that supports all of the operations that define the service. Defaults to asbroker1.
AppService Port The port number to access the REST service supported by the host specified by the appServiceHost property. Defaults to 5162.
AppService Protocol The protocol that the REST Adapters use to access the host specified by the appServiceHost property. For example, for a NameServer host, this is AppServer; for an AppServer host, AppServerDC. Defaults to AppServer.
Connection Lifetime The maximum lifetime (in seconds) of AppServer connections in the connection pool for this service.
Idle Session Timeout The duration (in seconds) between attempts by the adapter to shut down extra network connections to the AppServer, based on client demand.
Initial Sessions The number of network sessions to be created (and shared by all clients) when the connection pool for the service is initialized by the adapter.
Max Sessions The maximum number of connected sessions allowed in the service connection pool.
Min Idle Connections The minimum number of idle, or inactive, AppServer connections to maintain.
Min Sessions The minimum number of connected sessions that the adapter attempts to maintain in the service connection pool.
No Host Verify Controls whether the service verifies that the host name of the connecting AppServer matches the Common Name specified in the server digital certificate (meaningful only in the context of SSL connections)
No Session Reuse Controls whether the service requests reuse of the SSL session ID when reconnecting to the same AppServer (meaningful only in the context of SSL connections)
NS Client Max Port The maximum value for the adapter to specify for the port number used to communicate with a NameServer
NS Client Min Port The minimum value for the adapter to specify for the port number used to communicate with a NameServer randomly. This property applies only to services that use a NameServer to access application services on an AppServer.
NS Client Picklist Expiration The maximum duration (in seconds) that the adapter retains a list of AppServer options (pick list) for an idle application service.
NS Client Picklist Size The maximum duration (in seconds) that the adapter retains a list of AppServer options (pick list) for an idle application service.
NS Client Port Retry The maximum number of requests that the adapter makes for a valid local port number when attempting to communicate with a NameServer.
NS Client Port Retry Interval The interval (in milliseconds) that the adapter waits between requests to get a valid port number when attempting to communicate with a NameServer.
Request Wait Timeout Determines how the adapter handles requests when the service connection pool becomes full.
Service Logging Level The amount and type of information written to the service log each log entry. Defaults to 2.
Stale O4GL Object Timeout The maximum duration (in seconds) that a service object can be idle before it is released.
Wait If Busy Determines how to handle client requests to a service that is busy processing a prior request..

Statistics tab

This tab displays the following statistics:

Property Description
Number of Successful User Requests The total number of successful user requests handled by the selected REST service.
Number of Failed User Requests The total number of requests that fail because of missing request information.
Number of Successful Admin Requests The total number of successful administrator requests.
Number of Failed Admin Requests The total number of administrator requests tat fail because of missing request information.
Average Response Time for User Requests The average response time of each request response.
Maximum Response Time for User Requests The maximum response time of each request response.
Number of Successful User Logins The total number of successful user logins.
Number of Failed User Logins The total number of failed user logins.
Number of Successful Admin Logins The total number of successful administrator logins.
Number of Failed Admin Logins The total number of failed administrator logins.
Number of Successful AppServer Connections The total number of successful AppServer connections in the connection pool.
Number of Failed AppServer Connections The total number of failed AppServer connections in the connection pool.
Number of Adapter Errors The total number of REST adapter failures.
Number of Application Errors The total number of errors related to REST services.
Start Time The start date and time of the REST service.
Creation Time The date and time that counting began for the statistics.