OE Web Server statistics

The Progress OpenEdge Server Monitor view provides summary of a selected OE Web Server instance on the Summary tab and statistics on the Statistics tab.

Note: The properties and statistics displayed in this view are read-only. You can modify these properties from the OpenEdge Management console. See OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer: Configuration guide.

Summary tab

This tab displays the following runtime properties:

Property Description
Name The name of a selected OE Web Server instance.
Description The description of an OE Web Server instance.
Admin Enabled Indicates whether administrator privileges are in effect, either True or False.
WebApp Enabled Controls the OE Web Server's ability to accept and process requests to any of its deployed OE Web Server services, either True or False.
Log Append Indicates whether to start a new log each time an OE Web Server is restarted, either True or False.
Log File The location and name of the OE Web Server log file.
Logging Level The level of information to be written to the OE Web Server log. The logging levels are:
  • 0 - None. Log no entries. This is equivalent to turning logging off.
  • 1 - Errors. Log OpenEdge error messages. This includes all error messages and is unrelated to the entry types specified. Errors continue to be logged at all higher levels.
  • 2 - Basic. Logging Entry Types determine the logged information. Each entry type generates at least some output. This is the default.
  • 3 - Verbose. Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Basic.
  • 4 - Extended. Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Verbose.
Manager Properties URI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the properties of an OE Web Server instance.
Properties File Name The location and name of the of the properties (oerm.properties) file.

Statistics tab

This tab displays the following runtime statistics:

Property Description
Active requests Requests currently being serviced by an OE Web Server.
Authentication errors The total number of authentication errors.
HTTP requests The total requests received from the HTTP listener, including administrative and REST requests.
HTTP request errors The total HTTP request errors returned by an OE Web Server.
Method not allowed errors Total errors returned by the OE Web Server, with error counts broken out at the bottom of the list for each of several error categories when total errors are greater than zero (0).
REST disabled errors The total number of errors while OE Web Server is disabled.
Services disabled The total number of errors while REST service id disabled.
URL not found errors The total number requests to unidentified resources.
Creation time The date and time that counting began for the statistics.
Start time The start date and time of an OE Web Server instance.