Exporting a Data Object Web Application

The Data Object Web Application wizard enables you to package the Data Object Services as a Data Object Web application (WAR file) as follows:
  • Data Object Service(s) into a single WAR file
    Note: You can select more than one Data Object Service to package into a single Data Object Web application WAR file.
  • Each Data Object Service as as a PAAR file

The WAR file that is created is used to deploy the package Data Object application to the Apache Tomcat or on any Java container that is associated with the server.

To export as a WAR file or incremental service:

  1. In the Project Explorer view, select the Data Object project that contains the Data Object Services that you want to export as a Data Object Web application.
  2. Right-click the project and select Export from the context menu.
    The Export Data Object Application dialog appears.
    Note: If you do not see the Data Object Web Application option on the context menu, then select Export. On the Export wizard, select Progress OpenEdge > Data Object Web Application, and then click Next.
  3. The Data Object project drop-down list displays the project you have selected in step 1. You can select a different project from the drop-down list.
    Note: The Data Object project drop-down displays only the projects in your current workspace.
  4. In the Destination drop-down list, specify a location or click Browse to select a different location for the Data Object Web application.
    Note: The Destination drop-down displays a list of previous WAR file generation locations of your current workspace.
  5. Select one of the following options:
    • Export as a WAR file to export services by creating a single .WAR file for all the selected Data Object Services in the project.
    • Export services incrementally to export services by creating a .PAAR file for each Data Object Service in the project.
      Note: A dummy .PAAR file is created for each Data Object Service.
  6. From the Data Object and REST services list, select one or more Data Object Services that you want to export.
    Note: The Data Object and REST services section lists the Data Object and REST services defined in the project you have selected in the Data Object project drop-down list. You can also select REST services if you want to package them along with the Data Object Service as a WAR file. You can select all or deselect all services using the check box at the column header.
  7. Click Finish.
The Data Object Web application (WAR file) or the .PAAR file is created in the location specified in the Destination field. By default, the WAR file is created with the project name you select in the Data Object project drop-down list and the .PAAR file is created with the name of the service appended to the project name.