Data Object project folder structure

The New OpenEdge Project wizard enables you to create Data Object projects in Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge. Each Data Object project you create contains the following nodes:

Contains the artifacts of the exposed Data Object and REST services. By default, the .services folder contains empty Consume and Expose nodes. On generation of a Data Object service, its artifacts are generated and listed under the Expose node. For more information, see Data Object service artifacts.
Contains the facets information that are installed for the project and the server related configuration.
Contains the files that you want to publish to the server. A default node with the name AppSever is created when you define an OpenEdge Data Object project.
Contains the files that will be used for generating Data Object service (WAR) file while packaging and deploying. This RESTContent folder is shared by all the Data Object and REST applications in the project.
Note: The content of the RESTContent folder is copied from your OpenEdge installation directory $DLC\rest\server.
The .json file is created on defining a Data Object Service in the WebContent folder. A separate .json file is created for each defined Data Object service with the same name as that of the Data Object service name..
Note: The .json file is created in the WebContent folder on defining a Data Object service. A separate .json file is created for each defined Data Object service with the same name as that of the Data Object service name.
Defined Services
Contains a list of defined Data Object and REST services. A default Data Object service with the project name and Service appended to it is created when you define an OpenEdge Data Object project. For example, <projectname>Service.
Note: The .services, and .settings node do not appear by default under your project directory in the Project Explorer view. To view these nodes, open Available Customizations dialog (select View Menu > Customize view from the Project View toolbar), clear the .*resources check box, and then click OK. Progress recommends you to not edit the files listed under these hidden nodes.