Data Service Catalog schema properties

The JSDO provides a set of built-in methods that correspond to the Business Entity CRUD and Submit operations. For these operations to work successfully together, the data (and its schema) are shared between the operations. The Data Service Catalog file includes an entry for each built-in method and each invocation (or Invoke) method for the Data Object resource. It also includes the schema for the resource. The JSDO uses the schema information for its built-in CRUD and Submit methods. For each method, the catalog provides parameter mapping information. This information (metadata) from the catalog is used to construct the HTTP request for the operation calls made to the REST adapter.

OpenEdge provides the following Data Service Catalog schema properties:

The entity level properties can be added using the Entity property annotation. See Entity property annotation for more information.

The field level properties can be added using the Field property annotation. See Field property annotation for more information.

The following table provides a summary of the Data Service Catalog schema properties.

Property Parent node Type Default value
foreignkey Entity Object undefined
method Operation String undefined
primarykey Entity Array of strings undefined
readOnly Field of Entity Boolean false
recordName Entity String undefined
required Field of Entity Boolean false