Creating an express OpenEdge Data Object Service

OpenEdge allows you to automatically build and deploy a complete Data Object Service for a given database table, with the default configuration and components.

To create an express OpenEdge Data Object Service:

  1. On the Progress Developer Studio main menu, select File > New > OpenEdge Project.
    The New OpenEdge Project wizard appears.
  2. In the Project name field, enter a name for your Data Object project.
  3. To change the location for the project, clear the Use default location check box (which is selected by default) and enter the path to the desired location (or browse to it).

    Selecting Use default location creates the root folder for the new project in your current workspace.

  4. From the Project type configuration drop-down list, select Data Object.
  5. Select Express setup.

    To create an express Data Object application, you must meet the following prerequisites:

    • Configure servers

      To configure servers, click Configure servers in the Prerequisites section. It opens the OpenEdge Explorer Connections preferences page. See OpenEdge Explorer Connections preferences for information on configuring servers.

    • Start default OE Web Server.

      Depending upon your preference you have set up for the default server in the Preference page, Start default OE Web Server is displayed, click the link in the Prerequisites section.

    • Start default AppServer

      To start the default AppServer, click Start default AppServer in the Prerequisites section section of the New OpenEdge Project wizard.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Specify a name for the Data Object Service in the Data Object Service name field.
  8. From the drop-down list of the Database connection field, select a database connection to be associated to the Data Object project.
    Note: If there are no database connections configured in your workspace or if you want to create a connection for another database, select Add to open the Add Connection Profile wizard where you can create a new database connection.
  9. After you select a database connection, select a table from the drop-down list of the Database table field, which lists all the tables in the selected database connection.
    The wizard converts the selected database table into a temp-table definition and provides it as input for the business entity creation.
  10. Click Finish
    The wizard then performs the following operations:
    • Builds an OpenEdge Data Object project with a database connection and REST broker.
    • Creates a business entity with the appropriate schema.
    • Creates a Data Object Service associated with the business entity.
    • Deploys the Data Object Service to the default server.