Viewing application data

From DB Navigator, you can preview a limited set of table records and see the default arrangement of the data, or you can view all data in a table.

  1. To preview a limited set of records:
    1. Select a table name in the DB Structure view.
    2. Select the Preview tab in the DB Details view.
    Note: By setting the Preview row limit in the DB Navigator preferences, you can adjust the number of rows displayed in the Preview tab.
  2. To view all data in a table:
    1. Select a table name in the DB Structure view.
    2. Right-click on the table and choose Generate Select in SQL Editor to open a SQL editor containing the generated SELECT statement.
    3. Click Execute SQL to open a SQL Results view containing a browse with the first batch of records. To retrieve the next batch of records, click Retrieve more rows; to get all the records, click Retrieve All Rows. You can add a WHERE clause to the SQL SELECT statements to further refine the data retrieved. You can also modify the text and remove any columns.
    Note: By default, the system retrieves 100 records at a time. You can change this value in the Progress DB Navigator preferences.