DB Navigator requires a JDBC driver in order to connect to a database and supplies JDBC drivers for various database types. In most cases, the driver is installed and configured automatically during installation of DB Navigator.
If the driver is configured properly, the driver is tagged with a blue icon in the JDBC Drivers preferences page. If the driver is tagged with a red icon, however, the driver is not configured and cannot be loaded to connect to a database. If the JDBC driver is not properly configured, you see an error message when you try the database connection.
To troubleshoot the JDBC driver configuration, begin by verifying that the URL specified in the database's connection profile is correct, and then verify several other driver configuration options. These steps are as follows:
jdbc:progress:sqlserver://hostname:port;DatabaseName=namein which port is the port number of the database server and name is the logical database name. If the URL contains an IPv6 address, be sure to include an opening bracket before and a closing bracket after the address; for example, [thehostmachine].
install_dir\oeide\architect\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.dbnavigator_2.1.0\drivers\pgsqlserver.jarinstall_dir\ oeide\architect\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.dbnavigator_2.1.0\ drivers\pgbase.jarinstall_dir\oeide\architect\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.dbnavigator_2.1.0\drivers\pgutil.jar