Adding OpenEdge database tables

To add a table to a connected database using the schema wizard:

  1. Start the Add Table wizard by clicking Add table .The Add table icon is on the context menu when either the TABLE node or an individual table node is selected in the DB Structure view. It is also available as a toolbar icon on the OpenEdge Table tab of the DB Details view.
  2. Type a unique name in the Table Name field.
  3. (Optional) Select the Multi-tenant check box to create a multi-tenant table.
    Note: See Adding multi-tenant tables for more information.
  4. In the Area field, select a storage area from the list.
    Note: To define a storage area for a multi-tenant table, you must select Support default tenant.
  5. Type a unique name in the Dump File field. This name can be up to 32 characters in length.
  6. Optionally, enter information in the Label, Description, Validation, and Message fields.
    Note: See Add Table wizard for more information about these fields.
  7. (Optional) Select a category of tables to be displayed in the DB structure view by using the Category drop-down list.
    Note: See Add Table wizard for more information
  8. (Optional) Select the Multi-tenant check box to create a multi-tenant table.
    Note: See Adding multi-tenant tables for more information.
  9. Select Next to open the Add Columns wizard.You must add at least one column to the table. The Add Columns dialog allows you to either copy columns from other tables or create a new column.
    Note: When you copy a column, you copy only the column schema. You do not copy data.
  10. Select Next to add an index or Finish to complete the table and add it to the database. Since tables are displayed in ASCII order and sorting is case-sensitive, all lowercase table names sort after the uppercase table names.
    Note: You can also use SQL scripting to create a table.