Opening and closing SQL connections

Opening and closing SQL connections

  1. To open (start) a connection:
    1. Select Window > Show View > Connections to access the Connections view in DB Navigator.
    2. Double-click a connection profile beneath the Connection Profiles node. (Or, select a connection profile and click Open Connection .) The Connection dialog appears.
      Note: If you selected the Auto-Login on connect option when you created the connection profile, the system attempts to connect to the database, displaying the schema in the DB Structure view. Otherwise, the Connection dialog appears.
    3. Enter the user ID and, optionally, a password for an account. The User and Password fields default to the values defined, if any, in the connection profile.
      Note: If you intend to view data in or modify an OpenEdge database, the user account must have DBA privileges.
    4. Choose either AutoCommit or Commit On Close in the Connections view tool bar. AutoCommit, which is the default, applies changes immediately after a transaction—a SQL statement that updates the database—completes. Commit On Close saves changes and applies them when the session closes.
    5. Click OK.
      Note: When the connection is made, the connection profile name appears in the Connections view beneath the Active Connections node. The schema of the database appears in the DB Structure view.
  2. To close a connection:
    1. Access the Connections view in DB Navigator.
    2. Select the connection profile of the connection you want to close, located under the Active Connections node.
    3. Click Close Connection . (Alternatively, click Close All Connections .)