Using the Clean option before republishing

You can use the Clean option, available in the Servers view, to remove any invalid resources from the server before doing a full republish.

  1. Before you run the Clean option, decide if you want to remove all files and folders or just those from the deployed module. Then do the following:
    1. Select Windows > Preferences > Progress OpenEdge > Server.
    2. Select the Remove all files and folders when cleaning server publish directory option to remove all files. To remove only those files associated with the deployed module, be sure not to select the option.
      Note: If you are using a custom publish directory (that is different from the work directory), all the files in the directory are deleted, and if you are using the work directory, nothing is deleted.
    3. Click OK.
  2. To then use the Clean option:
    1. From the Servers view, select a server and right-click. The Context menu appears.
    2. Select Clean, and then click OK to confirm.