GetJsonText( ) method (JsonObject)

Gets the named property as a LONGCHAR, regardless of the JSON data type. The following are the type of return values:

The method is useful especially for situations where JSON number values cannot be represented by any of the ABL numeric data types (INTEGER, INT64 and DECIMAL). This method allows you to retrieve values regardless of the JSON data type. GetCharacter( ) and GetLongchar( ) require that the JSON value be a JSON string.

Return type: LONGCHAR

Access: PUBLIC

Applies to: Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject class


GetJsonText( )

GetJsonText( INPUT property-name AS CHARACTER )

With one parameter, the value of the named property is returned. With no parameters the value of the entire JsonObject is returned.

A optional CHARACTER expression that denotes the name of the property value to be retrieved from the JsonObject. The default is to return the entire object.

A JsonError is raised if: