Progress.Lang.Error interface

The Progress.Lang.Error interface describes a common set of properties and methods that built-in ABL error classes implement to interact with the ABL structured error handling model. This interface cannot be implemented by a user-defined class. Instead, to create your own ABL error class, subclass the Progress.Lang.AppError class.

This interface is also implemented by an OpenEdge-enhanced version of the .NET System.Exception class (OpenEdge-enhanced). Because of this architecture, ABL recognizes .NET exceptions as error objects and ABL error handling features can recognize, handle, and re-throw .NET exceptions. The interface requires a class to implement the following properties:

Public Properties

The interface requires a class to implement the following methods:

Public Methods


See also

CATCH statement, Progress.Lang.AppError class, Progress.Lang.ProError class, Progress.Lang.StopError class, Progress.Lang.SysError class