Defines and creates a frame or dialog box that is created at compile time for use in one or more procedures, or within a single class.
DEFINE {[[ NEW ] SHARED ]|[ PRIVATE ]} FRAME frame [form-item...] [{ HEADER | BACKGROUND }head-item...] {[frame-phrase]} |
Defines and identifies a frame widget as a class-scoped object. A class-scoped handle-based object is not a member of a class, but provides a resource that is privately available to the class definition similar to a non-shared data element in a procedure definition. The option to specify the PRIVATE access mode is provided for readability. You cannot specify PRIVATE when defining a frame widget as a data element in a method or procedure.
Specifies a field-level widget or value to display in the frame, or a SPACE or SKIP directive. The data specified by all form items is owned by a single field group, duplicated for each data iteration in the frame.
This is the syntax for form-item:
{ field[format-phrase] | constant[ at-phrase | { TO n }] [ BGCOLOR expression] [ DCOLOR expression] [ FGCOLOR expression] [ FONT expression] [ PFCOLOR expression] [ VIEW-AS TEXT ] [ WIDGET-ID id-number] | SPACE [ ( n ) ] | SKIP [ ( n ) ] } |
Specifies the location of a value within the frame. The AT phrase does not left justify the data; it simply indicates the placement of the data area. This is the syntax for at-phrase:
AT { COLUMN column | COLUMN-OF reference-point } { ROW row | ROW-OF reference-point } [ COLON-ALIGNED | LEFT-ALIGNED | RIGHT-ALIGNED ] |
AT { X x | X-OF reference-point } { Y y | Y-OF reference-point } [ COLON-ALIGNED | LEFT-ALIGNED | RIGHT-ALIGNED ] |
For more information, see the AT phrase reference entry.
Specifies a widget ID for a field-level widget or value to display in a frame. The value of id-number must be an expression that evaluates to an even integer value between 2 and 65534, inclusive, and must be unique across all widget IDs in the window or dialog box.
If you specify an invalid ID, the compiler displays an error message. This option is supported in graphical interfaces only, and only in Windows.
Tells the AVM to place the following items in a header section at the top of the frame in a separate field group from all other data. In addition to fields, variables, and constants, the frame header can contain expressions, images, and rectangles. The AVM reevaluates these expressions each time it displays the frame.
When you use the HEADER option, the AVM disregards OpenEdge Data Dictionary field labels for fields you name in the DEFINE FRAME statement. Use character strings to specify labels on fields you name in the frame header.
A description of a value displayed in the frame header or background, or a SPACE or SKIP directive. Following is the syntax for head-item:
{ expression[format-phrase] | constant[at-phrase|{ TO n}] [ BGCOLOR expression] [ DCOLOR expression] [ FGCOLOR expression] [ FONT expression] [ VIEW-AS TEXT ] [ WIDGET-ID id-number] | SPACE [ ( n ) ] | SKIP [ ( n ) ] } |
This is exactly the same as the syntax for a form-item, except that a head-item can be an expression and does not include the PFCOLOR option. If you use an expression in a HEADER or BACKGROUND phrase, the expression is evaluated each time the frame is viewed. If you give the PAGE-TOP or PAGE-BOTTOM option for the frame, the expression is evaluated for each page. This lets you include a reference to the PAGE-NUMBER function in the frame header.
The following example, r-deffrm.p, uses the DEFINE FRAME statement to set up the format of a frame. It then scopes that frame to a FOR EACH block.
DEFINE VARIABLE bal-avail NO-UNDO LIKE Customer.Balance COLUMN-LABEL "Available!Credit" NO-UNDO. DEFINE FRAME cust-bal Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "X(20)" Customer.CreditLimit LABEL "Limit" Customer.Balance bal-avail WITH CENTERED ROW 3 TITLE "Available Customer Credit" USE-TEXT. FOR EACH Customer NO-LOCK WITH FRAME cust-bal: DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Balance Customer.CreditLimit - Customer.Balance @ bal-avail. END. |
The following example defines three frames. The cust-info frame is scoped to the trigger for the b_next button where it is first referenced. Similarly, the cust-dtl frame is scoped to the b_dtl trigger. The butt-frame frame is scoped to the outer procedure block.
DEFINE BUTTON b_dtl LABEL "Detail". DEFINE BUTTON b_next LABEL "Next". DEFINE BUTTON b_quit LABEL "Quit" AUTO-ENDKEY. DEFINE FRAME cust-info Customer.CustNum Customer.Name FORMAT "X(20)" Customer.Phone WITH CENTERED ROW 4. DEFINE FRAME cust-dtl Customer EXCEPT Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone WITH SIDE-LABELS ROW 9 WIDTH 100. DEFINE FRAME butt-frame b_dtl b_next b_quit WITH ROW 1. ON CHOOSE OF b_dtl DISPLAY Customer EXCEPT Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone WITH FRAME cust-dtl. ON CHOOSE OF b_next DO: HIDE FRAME cust-dtl. FIND NEXT Customer NO-LOCK NO-ERROR. IF NOT AVAILABLE Customer THEN FIND LAST Customer NO-LOCK. DISPLAY Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Phone WITH FRAME cust-info. END. ENABLE ALL WITH FRAME butt-frame. APPLY "CHOOSE" TO b_next IN FRAME butt-frame. WAIT-FOR CHOOSE OF b_quit. |
The following example uses a set of thin rectangles as lines to create graphic columns within a frame background:
DEFINE VARIABLE item-tot AS DECIMAL NO-UNDO LABEL "Value". DEFINE RECTANGLE vline1 SIZE .4 BY 5 EDGE-PIXELS 2. DEFINE RECTANGLE vline2 LIKE vline1. DEFINE RECTANGLE vline3 LIKE vline1. DEFINE RECTANGLE vline4 LIKE vline1. DEFINE RECTANGLE vline5 LIKE vline1. DEFINE RECTANGLE vline6 LIKE vline1. DEFINE RECTANGLE hline SIZE 78 BY .1 EDGE-PIXELS 2. DEFINE FRAME item-info Item.ItemNum Item.ItemName Item.OnHand Item.ReOrder Item.OnOrder Item.Price Item-tot BACKGROUND SKIP(1) hline vline1 AT 9 vline2 AT 25 vline3 AT 33 vline4 AT 42 vline5 AT 51 vline6 AT 65 WITH TITLE "Inventory Current Value" CENTERED USE-TEXT 5 DOWN. FOR EACH Item NO-LOCK WITH FRAME item-info: DISPLAY Item.ItemNum Item.ItemName Item.OnHand Item.ReOrder Item.OnOrder Item.Price Item.OnHand * Item.Price @ item-tot. |
The following procedure defines the shared frame cust-frame. It also defines a shared variable and a shared buffer. For each Customer whose Customer number is less than 20, the procedure displays Customer information in the cust-frame. The format for the cust-frame is defined in the r-shrfrm.i include file.
DEFINE NEW SHARED FRAME cust-frame. DEFINE NEW SHARED VARIABLE csz AS CHARACTER FORMAT "x(29)". DEFINE NEW SHARED BUFFER xcust FOR Customer. FOR EACH xcust WHERE xcust.CustNum <=20: {r-shrfrm.i} /* shared frame layout */ DISPLAY xcust.Name xcust.Phone xcust.Address xcust.SalesRep xcust.City + ", " + xcust.State + " " + xcust.PostalCode @ csz xcust.CreditLimit WITH FRAME cust-frame. RUN r-updord.p. /* Update Customer's orders */ END. |
Following is the r-shrfrm.i include file:
FORM xcust.Name COLON 10 xcust.Phone COLON 55 xcust.Address COLON 1 xcust.SalesRep COLON 55 csz NO-LABEL COLON 10 xcust.CreditLimit COLON 55 SKIP(2) Order.OrderNum COLON 10 Order.OrderDate COLON 30 Order.ShipDate COLON 30 Order.PromiseDate COLON 30 WITH SIDE-LABELS 1 DOWN CENTERED ROW 5 TITLE "Customer/Order Form" FRAME cust-frame. |
After the r-shrfrm.p procedure displays the Customer information, it calls the r-updord.p procedure.
The r-updord.p procedure defines the variable, frame, and buffer that were originally defined in the r-shrfrm.p procedure. However, in this second reference to the items, the keyword NEW is omitted. The r-updord.p procedure displays, and lets you update, the Order information for the Customer displayed in the cust-frame. The Order information is displayed in the same frame.
DEFINE SHARED FRAME cust-frame. DEFINE SHARED VARIABLE csz AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO FORMAT "x(29)". DEFINE SHARED BUFFER xcust FOR Customer. FOR EACH Order OF xcust: {r-shrfrm.i } /* shared frame layout */ DISPLAY Order.OrderNum WITH FRAME cust-frame. UPDATE Order.OrderDate Order.ShipDate Order.PromiseDate WITH FRAME cust-frame. END. |
The following example, r-fof1.p, creates a dialog box to display Customer information from a query. The dialog box contains three child frames to display Customer contact information (FRAME cont-fr), Customer account information (FRAME acct-fr), and control buttons for moving through the query results list (FRAME ctrl-fr).
DEFINE QUERY custq FOR Customer. DEFINE BUTTON bprev LABEL "<". DEFINE BUTTON bnext LABEL ">". DEFINE FRAME cust-fr SKIP(.5) SPACE(8) Customer.Name Customer.CustNum Customer.SalesRep Customer.Comments AT COLUMN 6 ROW 13.5 WITH SIDE-LABELS TITLE "Customer Data" SIZE 80 BY 15 VIEW-AS DIALOG-BOX. DEFINE FRAME cont-fr SKIP(.5) Customer.Address COLON 17 SKIP Customer.Address2 COLON 17 SKIP Customer.City COLON 17 SKIP Customer.State COLON 17 SKIP Customer.PostalCode COLON 17 SKIP Customer.Country COLON 17 SKIP Customer.Contact COLON 17 SKIP Customer.Phone COLON 17 WITH SIDE-LABELS TITLE "Contact Informaion" SIZE 40 BY 10 AT COLUMN 1 ROW 3. DEFINE FRAME ctrl-fr SKIP(.12) SPACE(4) bprev bnext WITH TITLE "PREVIOUS/NEXT" SIZE 15 BY 2 AT COLUMN 53 ROW 10.5. DEFINE FRAME acct-fr SKIP(.5) Customer.Balance COLON 15 SKIP Customer.CreditLimit COLON 15 SKIP Customer.Discount COLON 15 SKIP Customer.Terms COLON 15 WITH SIDE-LABELS TITLE "Account Information" SIZE 38.85 BY 6 AT COLUMN 41 ROW 3. ON CHOOSE OF bnext DO: GET NEXT custq. IF NOT AVAILABLE Customer THEN GET FIRST custq. RUN display-proc IN THIS-PROCEDURE. END. ON CHOOSE OF bprev DO: GET PREV custq. IF NOT AVAILABLE Customer THEN GET LAST custq. RUN display-proc IN THIS-PROCEDURE. END. FRAME cont-fr:FRAME = FRAME cust-fr:HANDLE. FRAME acct-fr:FRAME = FRAME cust-fr:HANDLE. FRAME ctrl-fr:FRAME = FRAME cust-fr:HANDLE. OPEN QUERY custq PRESELECT EACH Customer BY Customer.Name. GET FIRST custq. RUN display-proc IN THIS-PROCEDURE. ENABLE ALL WITH FRAME ctrl-fr. WAIT-FOR WINDOW-CLOSE OF FRAME cust-fr. PROCEDURE display-proc: DISPLAY Customer.Name Customer.CustNum Customer.SalesRep Customer.Comments WITH FRAME cust-fr. DISPLAY Customer.Address Customer.Address2 Customer.City Customer.State Customer.PostalCode Customer.Country Customer.Contact Customer.Phone WITH FRAME cont-fr. DISPLAY Customer.Balance Customer.CreditLimit Customer.Discount Customer.Terms WITH FRAME acct-fr. END PROCEDURE. |
For more information about the WIDGET-ID attribute, see its reference entry in the Handle Attributes and Methods Reference. For more information about the Use Widget ID (-usewidgetid) startup parameter, see OpenEdge Deployment: Startup Command and Parameter Reference.