This attribute controls whether or not the CallStack property on error objects can be used. Because the CallStack feature is for debugging and can slow system performance, error objects should not save call stacks in a production environment. This attribute allows you to disable the CallStack property on all error objects. When this attribute is FALSE, the default value, the CallStack property on an error object will be the Unknown value (?).

You can also set this session attribute using the -errorstack startup parameter.

Data type: LOGICAL

Access: Readable/Writeable

Applies to: SESSION system handle

An error object thrown from an AppServer to a client will contain the stack trace from the AppServer in its CallStack property. If ERROR-STACK-TRACE is TRUE on the client, the AVM will prepend the CallStack property with the stack trace from the client. The text "Server StackTrace" will appear at the start of the AppServer stack trace to differentiate it from the client side stack. In the example below, the lines in boldface represent the AppServer stack trace:

doIt asclient.p at line 46  (asclient.p)
asclient.p at line 26  (asclient.p)
main.p at line 10  (main.p)

Server StackTrace:
myproc svr.p at line 30 (svr.p)
svr.p at line 5  (svr.p)