COMBO-BOX widget

A combo box is a field-level widget that combines the functionality of a fill-in field, radio set, and selection list into one fill-in and drop down list. You can set up a static combo box widget with the VIEW-AS phrase. You can create a dynamic combo box with the CREATE widget statement. The following figure shows a combo box:


AUTO-COMPLETION attribute1 AUTO-RESIZE attribute AUTO-ZAP attribute1
BGCOLOR attribute1 COLUMN attribute CONTEXT-HELP-ID attribute
DATA-TYPE attribute DBNAME attribute DCOLOR attribute1
DELIMITER attribute1 DISABLE-AUTO-ZAP attribute DROP-TARGET attribute
DYNAMIC attribute EDIT-CAN-PASTE attribute1 EDIT-CAN-UNDO attribute1
FGCOLOR attribute1 FONT attribute1 FORMAT attribute1
FRAME attribute FRAME-COL attribute FRAME-NAME attribute
FRAME-ROW attribute FRAME-X attribute FRAME-Y attribute
HANDLE attribute1 HEIGHT-CHARS attribute1 HEIGHT-PIXELS attribute1
HELP attribute HIDDEN attribute HWND attribute
INDEX attribute INNER-LINES attribute1 INPUT-VALUE attribute1
INSTANTIATING-PROCEDURE attribute LABEL attribute LABELS attribute
LIST-ITEM-PAIRS attribute1 LIST-ITEMS attribute1 MANUAL-HIGHLIGHT attribute
MAX-CHARS attribute1 MENU-KEY attribute MENU-MOUSE attribute
MODIFIED attribute MOUSE-POINTER attribute MOVABLE attribute
NAME attribute1 NEXT-SIBLING attribute NEXT-TAB-ITEM attribute
NUM-DROPPED-FILES attribute NUM-ITEMS attribute1 PARENT attribute
PFCOLOR attribute1 POPUP-MENU attribute PREV-SIBLING attribute
PREV-TAB-ITEM attribute PRIVATE-DATA attribute RESIZABLE attribute
ROW attribute1 SCREEN-VALUE attribute1 SELECTABLE attribute
SELECTED attribute SELECTION-END attribute SELECTION-START attribute
SORT attribute1 SUBTYPE attribute1 TABLE attribute
TAB-POSITION attribute TAB-STOP attribute TEXT-SELECTED attribute
TOOLTIP attribute TYPE attribute1 UNIQUE-MATCH attribute1
VISIBLE attribute WIDGET-ID attribute WIDTH-CHARS attribute1
WIDTH-PIXELS attribute1 WINDOW attribute X attribute1
Y attribute1



See also

CREATE widget statement, VIEW-AS phrase