Invokes a user-defined function. The AVM evaluates the name of the function (and the procedure handle, if any) at run time.
The following procedure demonstrates the DYNAMIC-FUNCTION function:
/* Requires a connection to the Sports2000 database. Define data items */ DEFINE VARIABLE funcs AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO EXTENT 5 INITIAL ["firstrec","lastrec","nextrec","prevrec","quitting"]. DEFINE VARIABLE action AS CHARACTER NO-UNDO LABEL "Action" FORMAT "x" INITIAL "N". DEFINE VARIABLE idx AS INTEGER NO-UNDO. DEFINE VARIABLE alldone AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO. FORM WITH FRAME x SIDE-LABELS 2 COLUMNS 1 DOWN COLUMN 25. /* Define user-defined functions */ FUNCTION dispcust RETURNS LOGICAL: DISPLAY Customer EXCEPT Customer.Comments WITH FRAME x. END. FUNCTION firstrec RETURNS LOGICAL: FIND FIRST Customer. dispcust(). RETURN yes. END. FUNCTION lastrec RETURNS LOGICAL: FIND LAST Customer. dispcust(). RETURN yes. END. FUNCTION nextrec RETURNS LOGICAL: FIND NEXT Customer NO-ERROR. IF AVAILABLE Customer THEN dispcust(). RETURN AVAILABLE(Customer). END. FUNCTION prevrec RETURNS LOGICAL: FIND PREV Customer NO-ERROR. IF AVAILABLE Customer THEN dispcust(). RETURN AVAILABLE(Customer). END. FUNCTION quitting RETURNS LOGICAL: alldone = yes. RETURN no. END /* Main routine */ REPEAT WHILE NOT alldone: UPDATE action HELP "Enter F(irst), L(ast), N(ext), P(rior), or Q(uit) to navigate.". idx = LOOKUP(action,"f,l,n,p,q"). IF idx EQ 0 THEN DO: MESSAGE "Enter F(irst), L(ast), N(ext), P(rior), or Q(uit)" VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. NEXT. END. DISPLAY DYNAMIC-FUNCTION(funcs[idx]) LABEL "Record Found?". END. |