Sends the value of one or more expressions
to an output destination other than the terminal.
[ STREAM stream | STREAM-HANDLE handle ]
[ FORMAT string ]
[{ AT | TO }expression ]
| SKIP [ ( expression ) ]
| SPACE [ ( expression ) ]
PUT [ STREAM stream | STREAM-HANDLE handle ] CONTROL expression...
- STREAM name
- Specifies the name of a stream. If you do not name a stream,
the AVM uses the unnamed stream. See the DEFINE STREAM statement reference entry and chapter on alternate I/O sources
in OpenEdge Development: Programming Interfaces for
more information on streams.
- Specifies the handle to a stream. If handle it
is not a valid handle to a stream, the AVM generates a run-time
error. Note that stream handles are not valid for the unnamed streams.
See the chapter on alternate I/O sources in OpenEdge Development:
Programming Interfaces for more information on streams and
stream handles.
- Tells the AVM to display each expression in the same format produced
by the EXPORT statement, but without quotes.
- Specifies a constant, field name, variable name, or expression.
- FORMAT string
- The format in which you want to display the expression.
If you do not use the FORMAT option, the AVM uses the defaults shown
in the following table.
The following table shows the default formats
for other expressions.
- AT expression
- Specifies the column position where you want to place the output value.
If that position has already been used on the current line, PUT
skips to the next line and puts the expression in
the specified column.
- TO expression
- Specifies the column position where you want to end the output value
being output. If that position has already been used on the current line,
PUT skips to the next line and puts the expression in
the specified column.
- SKIP [ ( expression ) ]
- Specifies the number of new lines you want to output. If you
do not use the SKIP option, PUT will not start a new line to the
output stream. If you use the SKIP parameter, but do not specify expression (or
if expression is 0), the AVM starts a new line
only if output is not already positioned at the beginning of a new line.
- SPACE [ ( expression ) ]
- Specifies the number of spaces you want to output. Spaces are
not placed between items being PUT unless you use the SPACE option.
- CONTROL expression
- The expression specifies a control sequence that you want to
send without affecting the current line, page counters, and positions
maintained within ABL. Following CONTROL, expression can
be a character-string expression or a RAW variable. It can include
null character constants of the form NULL or NULL( expression ),
where expression specifies the number of NULLs
to send. See the Notes section in this reference entry for details.
procedure creates a text file that contains the names of each customer. The
names are separated from each other by a slash (/). The entire file
consists of one long line.
OUTPUT STREAM s1 TO cus.dat.
PUT STREAM s1 name "/".