READ-JSON( ) method

Reads a specified JSON string, Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray object, or Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject object into a corresponding ProDataSet, a temp-table, or a temp-table buffer object.

Return type: LOGICAL

Applies to: Buffer object handle, ProDataSet object handle, Temp-table object handle


READ-JSON ( source-type 
  , { file | memptr | handle | longchar | JsonArray | JsonObject } 
  [ , read-mode ] )
A CHARACTER expression that specifies the source JSON string type. Valid values are "FILE", "MEMPTR", "HANDLE", "LONGCHAR", "JsonArray", and "JsonObject".
All values except "JsonArray" and "JsonObject" specify a source for a JSON string.
"JsonArray" is only a valid source-type for invoking READ-JSON( ) on a temp-table or buffer object handle. If set to "JsonArray" for a ProDataSet object handle, the READ-JSON( ) method generates an error message and returns a value of FALSE.
A CHARACTER expression that specifies the name of a file. You can specify an absolute pathname or one relative to the current working directory. The AVM verifies that the file exists and is accessible.
A MEMPTR variable that contains the JSON string in memory. The size of the MEMPTR variable must match the size of the JSON string.
A HANDLE variable that specifies the WEB-CONTEXT system handle.

This method reads a JSON string from the WebSpeed Transaction Server. The method verifies that the JSON string was posted to the WebSpeed Transaction Server by checking that the handle's IS-JSON attribute is YES. The method also verifies that ABL is running in a WebSpeed environment.

A LONGCHAR variable that contains the JSON string in memory.
A reference to a Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray object.
This JsonArray object must fit one of the valid patterns for a temp-table object. If any part of the JsonArray object does not fit one of the accepted patterns, the READ-JSON( ) method generates an error message and returns FALSE. If the JsonArray object fits an accepted pattern, but contains fields whose names do not match the existing temp-table schema, the mismatched fields are ignored.
A reference to a Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject object.
This JsonObject object must fit one of the valid patterns for a ProDataSet or temp-table object. If any part of the JsonObject object does not fit one of the accepted patterns, the READ-JSON( ) method generates an error message and returns FALSE. If the JsonObject object fits an accepted pattern, but contains tables whose names do not match the existing ProDataSet schema, or contains fields whose names do not match the existing temp-table schema, the mismatched tables or fields are ignored.
An optional CHARACTER expression that specifies the mode in which this method reads data from the JSON source into a temp-table or a ProDataSet member buffer. The expression must evaluate to "APPEND", "EMPTY", "MERGE", or "REPLACE". The default value is "MERGE".

The following table lists the READ-JSON( ) method modes for reading data.

READ-JSON( ) method read modes
When the mode is . . . The READ-JSON( ) method . . .
"APPEND" Reads data from the JSON source into the ProDataSet or temp-table object by adding new records to the existing records, without performing any record comparisons. If a record from the JSON source exists in the object (that is, it results in a duplicate unique key conflict), the method generates an error message and returns FALSE.
"EMPTY" Empties the contents of the ProDataSet or temp-table object before reading in data from the JSON source.
"MERGE" Reads data from the JSON source into the ProDataSet or temp-table object by merging new records with existing records in the table. If a record from the JSON source exists in the object (that is, it results in a duplicate unique key conflict), the method does not replace the existing record. If the record from the JSON source does not exist in the object, the method creates a new record.
"REPLACE" Reads data from the JSON source into the ProDataSet or temp-table object by merging new records with existing records in the table. If the record from the JSON source exists in the object (that is, it results in a duplicate unique key conflict), the method replaces the existing record with the new record. If the record from the JSON source does not exist in the object, the method creates a new record.


See also

IS-JSON attribute, Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonArray class, Progress.Json.ObjectModel.JsonObject class, WEB-CONTEXT system handle, WRITE-JSON( ) method , SERIALIZE-ROW( ) method