Causes ABL to retrieve the statements in a file and compile them as part of the main procedure if it encounters the file's name inside braces ({}) when compiling the procedure. You can name arguments you want substituted in the file before compilation.
Enter the braces ({}) as shown; they do not represent syntax notation in this description.
When ABL compiles the main procedure (the procedure containing the { } include file reference), it copies the contents of include-file into that procedure, substituting any arguments. So, you can use included procedures with arguments even when you precompile a procedure.
With positional arguments, the first argument replaces {1} in the included file, the second argument replaces {2}, and so on.
With named arguments, argument-value replaces {&argument-name} in the included file.
The r-inc1.p procedure uses externally defined and maintained files (r-fcust.i and r-dcust.i) for the layout and display of a customer report. You can use these same include files in many procedures.
The r-incl2.p example references an include file (r-show.i) that can take up to five arguments, and the main routine passes four arguments.
DEFINE VARIABLE var1 AS INTEGER NO-UNDO INITIAL 9. DEFINE VARIABLE var2 AS DECIMAL NO-UNDO INITIAL 6.43. DEFINE VARIABLE var3 AS LOGICAL NO-UNDO INITIAL TRUE. /* any statements */ {r-show.i point-A var1 var2 var3} /* any statements */ |
When the main procedure is compiled, the line referencing the r-show.i include file is replaced by the following line:
This example shows how you can use include files to extend ABL. The main procedure uses a new statement, r-show.i, to display the values of fields or variables at various points in a procedure. The include file in this example can handle up to five passed arguments. The main procedure only passes four (point-A, var1, var2, and var3).
The r-custin.p procedure displays a frame for each customer that you can update with customer information. The procedure includes r-cstord.i and passes the named argument &frame-options, and the value of the argument (CENTERED ROW 3 NO-LABEL) to the include file. When the include file references the &frame-options argument, it uses the value of the argument, and therefore displays the OVERLAY frame cust-ord as a centered frame at row 3 without a label.
FOR EACH Customer: {r-cstord.i &frame-options = "CENTERED ROW 3 NO-LABEL"}. UPDATE Customer.CustNum Customer.Name Customer.Address Customer.Address2 Customer.City Customer.State Customer.PostalCode Customer.Phone Customer.CreditLimit WITH FRAME cust-ord. END. |
FORM "Cust #" AT 1 Customer.CustNum AT 10 SKIP(1) Customer.Name AT 10 customer.Address AT 10 customer.Address2 AT 10 customer.City AT 10 Customer.State Customer.PostalCode SKIP(1) "Phone " AT 1 Customer.Phone FORMAT "999/999-9999" AT 10 "Max Crd" AT 1 Customer.CreditLimit AT 10 WITH FRAME cust-ord OVERLAY {&frame-options}. |
Include files are particularly useful for using form layouts in multiple procedures, especially if you do not include the keyword FORM or the closing period (.) of the FORM statement. Thus, the following r-incl3.p procedure includes the r-cust.f file as the definition of a FORM statement.
The r-incl4.p procedure uses the same include file as a layout for a DISPLAY statement:
Although r-string.i contains five letters, when you run r-incstr.p, it returns the value 6 because ABL appends a space character to the end of r-string.i.