LAST-OBJECT attribute

The object reference for the last class instance in the list of all valid ABL and .NET class instances created in the current ABL session. If there are no class instances in the current session, this attribute returns the Unknown value (?).

Data type: Progress.Lang.Object

Access: Read-only

Applies to: SESSION system handle

Once you get the last object reference in the list, you can use the PREV-SIBLING property in the Progress.Lang.Object class to get the previous entry in the list of ABL and .NET object references.

There are two points worth noting about this attribute with garbage collection enabled:

Note: To obtain the last .NET form or ABL FormProxy object in the list of all valid form objects created in the current ABL session, use the LAST-FORM attribute.

See also

FIRST-OBJECT attribute, LAST-FORM attribute, PREV-SIBLING property, Progress.Lang.Object class