You can customize the following aspects of your Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge environment:
- Menu and toolbar options - You can add commands that run ABL procedures
(typically custom tool applications) to a menu or the toolbar in the OpenEdge Editor
perspective, or to the context (right-click) menu of the ABL Editor.
- Code-generation templates - You can add custom templates, or override those
that are installed with Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge, to define menu
options and the output generated when those options are used.
- Startup routines - You can define ABL procedures that run automatically when
Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge starts.
- Event subscription - Progress Developer Studio for OpenEdge publishes events
when various operations, such as opening or saving a file, occur. You can write ABL
procedures that subscribe to and respond to these events.
- Custom project types - You can create project types with customized folder
layouts and PROPATH settings.
Note: OpenEdge stores the customized menus, toolbars, templates, and project types in the
com.openedge.pdt.extensibility.user Eclipse plugin. You can specify a different plugin
for this purpose, if necessary, on the
Customization preferences