Add Constructor wizard

The Add Method wizard helps you add a constructor method to a class file.

This wizard appears when you select Source > Add Constructor.

The following controls are available:

Public/Protected/Private Specifies the access modifier that applies to the method:
  • Public - The constructor can be called from any class and directly invoked in any derived class.
  • Protected - The constructor can be directly invoked in any derived class, but it cannot be called from a class that is not derived from the declaring class.
  • Private - The constructor cannot be called from any other class and cannot be directly invoked in a derived class.
Insert catch block If checked, adds a CATCH block to the generated method stub to support structured error handling.
Insert finally block If checked, adds a FINALLY block to the generated method stub to support structured error handling.
Insertion position Determines where the constructor code is inserted in the source file.