Generating ABLDoc using Apache Ant

You can use a custom ABLDoc Ant task to generate ABLDoc documentation for ABL sources. The ABLDoc Ant task is part of ant-abldoc.jar and is located at:


To generate ABLDoc using the ABLDoc Ant task, ensure that Apache Ant is installed on your machine and then copy the ant-abldoc.jar file to the installation location of Apache Ant.

To run the ABLDoc Ant task, you must meet the following prerequisites:
  • Configure the classpath to include the following JAR files:
    • abldoc-core.jar
    • ast.jar ast-dependencies.jar
    • velocity-version.jar (version must specify the version number; for example 1.7))
    • velocity-dep-version.jar (version must specify the version number; for example 1.7)

    These JAR files are available at: %DLC%\oeide\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.openedge.pdt.abldoc.core._version\lib (where version must specify the version number; for example:

  • Specify the default location of the required artifacts (which include, style sheets (.css files), images, and velocity templates.

    These artifacts are available at: %DLC%\oeide\eclipse\plugins\com.progress.openedge.pdt.abldoc.core._version\abldoc-artifacts (where version must specify the version number; for example:

Note: The directory structure of abldoc-artifacts must not change.