Generating the ABLDoc documentation using the Generate ABLDoc wizard

You can generate the ABLDoc documentation from the Generate ABLDoc wizard.

To generate the ABLDoc documentation:

  1. Create an OpenEdge project or select an existing one.
  2. From the project or editor's context-menu, select Progress OpenEdge > Generate ABLDoc. The Generate ABLDoc wizard appears.
  3. In the Document title field, specify a name as the title for the generated ABLDoc documentation.
  4. In the Destination field, add or browse for a default directory to save all output files.
  5. In the Select the files for which you want to generate the ABLDoc field, select the project and the corresponding files for which you want to generate the ABLDoc documentation.
    Note: The left section displays the projects and their directory structure and the right section displays the ABL elements in the selected directory.
  6. In the Create ABLDoc for members with access mode field, select Private or Protected depending upon if you want to include members with visibility other than public. Members with Public access only are displayed by default.
  7. Click Finish.
    The ABLDoc documentation file is created in the specified location for the selected project. If another file with the same name already exists in that location, the file is overwritten.