Setting preferences for USING statements

You can control the USING statements’ functionality (position, grouping, etc.) in your current workspace by setting preferences on the USING Statements preferences page.

To set preferences for USING statements:

  1. From the main menu, select Window > Preferences.
    The Preferences page appears.
  2. Select Progress OpenEdge > Advanced > USING Statements.
    The USING Statements preferences page appears.
  3. Set the following preferences for the USING statements:
    • Position of the statements
    • Grouping and sorting of the statements
    • Style of the statements
    • Inclusion of the FROM ASSEMBLY/FROM PROPATH option
    • Preservation of valid statements
  4. Select Apply.
  5. Click OK to save your settings and close the preferences page.
    Note: To prevent existing, valid USING statements from being relocated, they must be preserved in their original form and must not be grouped together. For more information, see the USING Statements preferences page.