Using the Meta Catalog Explorer

Using the Meta Catalog Explorer

  1. Open the Meta Catalog Explorer view. The treeview displays a node for each catalog defined in the workspace.
  2. Select a CATALOG node and expand it. The treeview displays a node for each root path in the catalog.
    Note: The first line in the browse always shows the node's type. These are the values you use when constructing queries in the Meta Catalog Search. The rest of the browse displays the other database fields that define the node in the catalog.
  3. Expand a ROOT PATH node. The treeview displays a node for each project stored on that root path.
  4. Expand a PROJECT node. The treeview displays nodes for project relative paths and individual resources.
    Note: If you select the Create complete folder structure option while importing files into a project, the structure is stored as a PROJECT RELATIVE PATH in the catalog. All the resources in a folder structure display under the PROJECT RELATIVE PATH. If there is no relative path for a particular resource, the resource displays directly under the PROJECT node.
  5. Expand a RESOURCE node. The treeview displays nodes for each content type that a content builder extracted from the file.
  6. Expand a CONTENT TYPE node. The treeview displays various ENTRY TYPE nodes, depending on which content builders extracted the data and what was in the file. For more information on the finer levels of the tree view, see the description of each content builder.
Note: The treeview is recursive when displaying Parent Entries and Child Entries nodes. If you expand a Child Entries node, you see a Parent Entries node. If you expand a Parent Entries node, you see a Child Entries node. These nodes will loop infinitely.