The DB-Required option is used in data objects that need to support both a connected and
disconnected mode (that is an AppServer client). Specifying DB-Required wraps the
code block in a conditional preprocessor directive allowing it to be excluded from
the compilation conditionally.
Data aware objects (SDO, SBO, and Data Logic Procedures) are automatically created with a
client version and full (server) version, where the client version defines the
preprocessor directive that excludes all DB-Required code blocks.
The DB-Required setting must be specified when a code block contains database field or table
references that require the data object to be connected to appropriate databases at
run-time in order for the code block to execute. This will ensure that this code is
excluded from the client proxy r-code, All code blocks that are not DB-Required, are
compiled into both r-code files.
Note: In Progress Developer Studio for
OpenEdge new internal procedures and functions are not DB-Required by default.
This is different from the standalone AppBuilder, which default to add the
DB-Required option to new procedures and functions.
To change a procedure or function's DB-Required setting:
This adds or removes the DB-Required block generated for the selected function or
procedure, depending on the toggle option you have selected on the context