Goto Page dialog

The Goto Page dialog allows you to display change the page displayed in the design window.

A page is a logical grouping of SmartObjects which are manipulated in unison. When you view a given page, the ADM automatically hides all other pages.
Note: The Main page, page 0, is always displayed along with the selected page.

Pages provide an easy to use mechanism for viewing and hiding objects, and also conserve screen real estate. All SmartContainers can manage application pages. You can dispatch any ADM method to the entire group.

Access this dialog by selecting Goto Page from right-click context menu on the design window. Alternatively, you can use the Page option from the main toolbar.

This dialog includes the following options:

Option Description
Display Page Number Enter a page number to display in the design window.
Note: The "Main" page (page 0) is always displayed in the design window, in addition to the page selected here.
OK Add the selected page to the SmartObject instance on the design window.