Choose From File dialog

The Choose From File dialog allows you to locate and insert a particular filename or image.

Access this dialog by selected Insert from File from the right-click context menu on the design window.

You can also access the dialog from the main menu by clicking on Edit > Insert from File.

This dialog includes the following options:

Option Description
File Specify a file name or select from the file list.
File List List displays the files from the directory specified in Directory.
Note: If you do not specify a file name in the File field, you can select a file from this list.
File Type Select the type of files to display in the file list.
Directory Specify the directory to search for files.
Source (read-only editor) If the Preview check-box is selected, displays the contents of the selected file.
Preview Select this check-box to display contents of the selected file in the Source field.
Code/Image Indicate the type of file being previewed.
Note: The Code and Image options are available only when the Preview check-box is selected.
Edit Path Open the Edit Path dialog to add, modify, or reorder the paths listed in the Directory field.
Browse Open the Browse Files dialog to search for directories and files.

For more information, see GUI Designer context menu