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Application Migration and Development Guide
Migrating AppServer and WebSpeed Applications : ABL application code migration : ABL changes in PAS for OpenEdge : New ABL specifically for PAS for OpenEdge
New ABL specifically for PAS for OpenEdge
The following table lists new ABL statement options and class properties that were added specifically for PAS for OpenEdge:
Table 8. New ABL added for PAS for OpenEdge
Statement option or class property
Value range
THREAD-SAFE option of the PROCEDURE statement
Tells the PAS for OpenEdge session manager that the declared DLL or shared library procedure is thread safe so it can run in multiple server sessions simultaneously
SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO:AgentId class property (1)
Positive integer
Returns the ID of the current multi-session agent
SESSION:CURRENT-REQUEST-INFO:SessionId class property (1)
Positive integer
Returns the ID of the current ABL session within the current multi-session agent
Positive integer
Returns the ID of the AVM running the current ABL session within the current multi-session agent


1. This ID is dynamic and can change each time a PAS for OpenEdge instance starts.