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Pacific Application Server for OpenEdge: Administration Guide
Web application security configurations : Enabling Spring Security for APSV and SOAP Web applications : Updating apsv-basic.xml

Updating apsv-basic.xml

After you have enabled Spring Security for the APSV transport in an oeablSecurity-xxxx.xml file, you can complete additional security configuration by updating the apsv-basic.xml file as follows:
1. Optionally update user access by adding to or modifying the following defaults:
<intercept-url pattern="/apsv/**" method="HEAD"
<intercept-url pattern="/apsv/**" method="GET"
<intercept-url pattern="/apsv/**" method="POST"
2. Optionally enable Single Sign-on by uncommenting the reference to OEPreauthfilter:
<!-- OpenEdge PRE AUTH Filter -->
<!-- USER EDIT: uncomment PRE_AUTH_FILTER filter
to enable pre-auth-->
<custom-filter position="PRE_AUTH_FILTER"
ref="OEPreauthfilter" />
3. If you enabled oeablSecurity-xxx-saml.xml, uncomment the references to samlProcessingFilter and OESamlSSOProcessingFilter:
<custom-filter before="BASIC_AUTH_FILTER"
ref="samlProcessingFilter" />
<custom-filter before="FORM_LOGIN_FILTER"
ref="OESamlSSOProcessingFilter" />-->