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Administration Guide
Overview of PAS for OpenEdge administration : Progress Application Server properties

Progress Application Server properties

The following tables list the configuration properties for a Progress Application Server. Except where noted, use the TCMAN utility to set, add, or remove properties.
Note: Where indicated in the table, more information can be found in the Tomcat configuration reference at
Table 4. PAS properties
A read-only string containing the path to the PAS instance's root directory. This property cannot be configured using TCMAN.
A read-only string containing the path to the PAS home server's root directory. This property cannot be configured using TCMAN.
A readable/writable string containing the absolute path to where the PAS instance JMX console access control file is stored.
A readable/writable string containing the absolute path to where the PAS instance JMX console password is stored.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether SSL is enabled for JMX console connections. The possible values are true (use SSL) and false (no SSL).
A read-only string containing the path to the PAS home server's temp directory, where transitory files are created.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of client connections for the AJP13 connector. When the maximum number is reached, new connections are queued. The minimum value is 100. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of incoming requests in the AJP13 connector's queue. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric containing the TCP port number for the AJP13 protocol used by a load balancing server. The value can range from 1 to the maximum port number. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether the AJP13 client's authentication feature is enabled. The possible values are true (enabled) and false (disabled). For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A read-only string containing the server's alias name, as used in TCMAN's -I option and with cluster and load balancing configurations. If the property contains home, then the server is a full PAS installation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether the PAS server automatically deploys web applications placed into its web application deployment directory (see property The possible values are true (autodeploy, less secure) and false (no autodeploy more secure). For more information, see "Host" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether sessions expire on all nodes when one node is shut down. The possible values are true (all sessions expire) and false (do not expire). For more information, see "ClusterManager" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the number of seconds a Tomcat cluster session can be inactive before it is marked expired. The minimum value is 10 seconds. For more information, see "ClusterManager" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string indicating the Tomcat cluster manager type. The possible values are DeltaManager and BackupManager. For more information, see "Cluster" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing the Tomcat cluster multicast address, formatted as an IPv4 address. For more information, see "Channel/Membership" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the amount of time a cluster member can be non-responsive before timing out. The minimum value is 10 milliseconds. For more information, see "Channel/Membership" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the Tomcat cluster multicast heartbeat frequency. The minimum value is 10 milliseconds. For more information, see "Channel/Membership" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the Tomcat cluster multicast port number. For more information, see "Channel/Membership" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether Tomcat notifies session listeners when sessions are created or expired across the node. The possible values are true (notify) and false (do not notify). For more information, see "ClusterManager" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing the Tomcat cluster multicast receiver address, formatted as an IPv4 address. For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the number of times Tomcat will increment upward if the port in is unavailable . For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of threads in the Tomcat cluster message receiver (NioReceiver). The possible values range from 10 to 10,000. For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether the Tomcat cluster message receiver uses the TCP_NODELAY option. The possible values are true (option on) and false (option off). For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the Tomcat cluster multicast receiver port number. For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the time in milliseconds for timeout of the Tomcat cluster message receiver (NioReceiver). The possible values range from 10 to 10,000. For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the Tomcat cluster message receiver timeout in milliseconds. The minimum value is 10. For more information, see "Channel/Receiver" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable bitmask for the Tomcat cluster channel send options. The possible values are synchronized_ack, 0x0004; asynchronous, 0x0008; and use ack, 0x0002. For more information, see "Cluster" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing a classpath of directories and JAR files that the PAS server uses with the web application class loader. The value is a comma separated list of absolute paths to directories or JAR files. For example:
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of threads in the server's HTTP thread pool. The minimum value is 100. For more information, see "Executor" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the minimum number of threads in the HTTP/HTTPS connector's thread pool. The range of values is from 10 to For more information, see "Executor" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of milliseconds the PAS will wait from when the client HTTP connection is made until the URI is received. The minimum value is 1000.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of client connections for the HTTP connector. When the maximum number is reached, new connections are queued. The minimum value is 100. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of incoming requests in the HTTP connector's queue. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric containing the TCP port number for the HTTP protocol. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether the SSL (HTTPS) client's authentication feature is enabled. The possible values are true (enabled) and false (disabled). For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of milliseconds the PAS will wait from when the client HTTPS connection is made until the URI is received. The minimum value is 1000.
A readable/writable string containing the alias to the server's private key stored in the SSL's keystore. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing the password to the server's private key stored in the SSL's keystore. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of client connections for the HTTPS connector. When the maximum number is reached, new connections are queued. The minimum value is 100. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of incoming requests in the HTTPS connector's queue. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of threads in the server's HTTPS thread pool. The minimum value is 100. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the TCP port number for the HTTPS protocol. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string indicating the default HTTPS protocol. The possible values are SSLv3 and TLS. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string indicating the type of keystore used for storing SSL private keys and certificates. The possible values are PKCS12 and JKS. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of pipelined HTTP keepAlive requests before the socket is closed. A value of -1 disables the limit. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum size in bytes of a connector's POST message body. A value of 0 disables the limit. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable numeric value containing a connector's asynchronous timeout in milliseconds. The minimum value is 10. For more information, see "Connector" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A read-only string indicating the system PAS was installed on. The possible values are unix and windows.
A read-only string containing the path to the home server. If is home, then is blank.
A readable/writable numeric containing the TCP port number for shutting down the server via a TCP network client. A value of -1 is only supported on UNIX for disabling shutdown using a network client (which is more secure). Windows requires a port number greater than or equal to 1. For more information, see "Server" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing the shared secret required by the PAS server before it will accept a shutdown command from a network client. The secret can be any non-blank ASCII string, and it is required in Windows. For more information, see "Server" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
Caution: The value of this property is stored as cleartext.
A readable/writable numeric value containing the maximum number of seconds to wait before a thread is considered stuck. The minimum value is 0 (off). For more information, see "Stuck Thread Detection Valve" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string indicating the type of server. standard indicates a full PAS installation, and instance indicates a PAS instance.
A readable/writable Boolean indicating whether the PAS server automatically unpacks WAR archives placed in its web application deployment directory (see property The possible values are true (automatic unpacking) and false (no automatic unpacking). For more information, see "Host" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A readable/writable string containing the path where the PAS server finds the local user account storage file. The path can be absolute or relative to the server (instance) CATALINA_BASE configuration value. For more information, see "Resources" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A read-only string containing the PAS release version in the format major-version.minor-version.patch-version.
A readable/writable string containing the path for where the PAS server finds and loads web applications and WAR files from. If the path is not absolute, it is relative to the CATALINA_BASE path for the server (instance). For more information, see "Host" in the Apache Tomcat documentation.
A read-only string containing the server's fully qualified DNS name. This property cannot be configured using TCMAN.
A read-only string containing the server's configured host name. This property cannot be configured using TCMAN.
The properties in the following table control the enabling and disabling of PAS features. All of them are settable using TCMAN, and the possible values are on and off.
Table 5. PAS features
Indicates whether client HTTP message and response code logging is enabled.
Indicates whether the AJP13 protocol network port is enabled on the server for load balancing by a Apache HTTPD or IIS web server.
Indicates whether Tomcat cluster support (which needs to be manually configured) is enabled.
Indicates whether reduction of the impact of web crawler session creation (so as not to overrun the server) is enabled.
Indicates whether the HTTP protocol network port is enabled on the server.
Indicates whether the HTTPS protocol network port is enabled on the server.
Indicates whether the use of JAAS plug-in authentication modules for container user authentication (which requires manual configuration) is enabled.
Indicates whether network ports used for remote JMX console are fixed. Otherwise, standard RMI connections are used.
Indicates whether the use of an LDAP/Active-Directory service for container user authentication (which requires manual configuration) is enabled.
Indicates whether connections are restricted to a list of specific TCP/IP addresses.
Indicates whether connections are restricted to a list of specific DNS host names.
Indicates whether security checking at server startup is enabled, which prevents the server from starting if any of the checks fail.
Indicates whether Tomcat's single-sign on feature is enabled.
Indicates whether messages will be logged about requests that do not appear to be completing.
Indicates whether the use of a flat file for container user authentication is enabled.