Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and the newer Transport Layer Security (TLS) are standard protocols that are used to implement the encryption required for HTTPS communication. Both protocols employ key pairs (a public key and a private key) to secure logins, financial transactions, and many other types of data transfer between web servers and clients. Basically, the public key is used by clients to encrypt data, but only a server that has a valid private key can decrypt the data.
TLS evolved from and superceded SSL. TLS is considered to be more efficient and secure than the older SSL. Even though TLS and SSL are separate and distinct protocols, the PAS for OpenEdge configuration process is the same for both. Therefore we use the term SSL/TLS.
Also note that most browsers concurrently support some version of both protocols. For more information, do a web search for SSL and TLS.
The following is an overview of SSL/TLS configuration in PAS for OpenEdge:
See the following topics for more details about SSL/TLS configuration: