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Servers, DataServers, Messengers, and Adapters
Supporting OpenEdge Servers, Messengers, DataServers, and Adapters : Overview : The file

The file

The file stores all the configuration definitions for each instance of the AppServer Internet Adapter, AppServer, DataServers, Messengers, NameServer, SonicMQ Adapter, WebSpeed Transaction Server, and the Web Services Adapter (for OpenEdge SOAP Web Services). Each configuration definition contains environment variables, registry entries (in Windows), and property settings for each product instance. OpenEdge Management references and displays this configuration data.
Note: When you delete a broker in OpenEdge Management, OpenEdge Managent/Explorer removes the broker instance from the file, but retains the environment variables associated with the broker in the file. This is because environment variables are shared configuration settings in the file.
You can use OpenEdge Management, OpenEdge Explorer, or the command line to customize configuration details stored in the file. Any property modifications you make to instances of OpenEdge servers, DataServers, Messengers, or Adapters in OpenEdge Management are automatically reflected in Likewise, any changes you make in are automatically reflected in OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer.
Note: A space is not a valid delimiter for setting properties in the file.
Note: Although making manual edits to file is possible, Progress Software recommends that you use OpenEdge Management, OpenEdge Explorer, or the Mergeprop utility to make property changes. For more information about the Mergeprop utility, see OpenEdge Getting Started: Installation and Configuration.