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Getting Started : Accessing OpenEdge Management resource information : Accessing OpenEdge resources from the grid frame

Accessing OpenEdge resources from the grid frame

This section describes how to access OpenEdge resources from the grid frame.
To access OpenEdge resources from the grid frame:
1. Click Resources in the management console menu. All resources managed by your console appear in the grid frame. By default, the resources are grouped by their current status.
2. From the grid frame, you can:
*Select multiple resources to perform a Start or Stop operation (depending on the resource type) or view their overall status.
*Search for resources using a keyword, wildcard characters, or tags.
*Filter resources based either on their Type or their current Status, or both.
*Group resources based on the Container (local or remote), Status, or Type.
*Sort resources by Resource, Type, Status, or Alerts. You can also sort resources by Container. To add or remove columns to sort resources, refer to OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer: Getting Started.
*View a resource's detail by clicking the Edit icon for the resource.
*View the summary of a specific resource and perform Start or Stop operation (based on the resource type) in the Resource Summary section.
*View alerts associated with a resource in the Alerts section.