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Resource Monitoring
Creating Collections and Collection Views in OpenEdge Management : Collection views : Working with collection views and viewlets : Standard viewlets
Standard viewlets
A standard viewlet is predefined by OpenEdge Management for displaying content from multiple resources or other aspects of OpenEdge Management.
Standard viewlets that OpenEdge Management provides are as follows:
*Running reports — The reports currently running shown in tabular format. You can customize the view by selecting the fields to display in each report.
*Active monitoring plans — A list of all active resource monitoring plans.
*Resources with alerts — A list of resources with open alerts as well as summary information, such as the date and the time of the last occurrence. Each resource name is preceded by its AdminServer name.
You can customize the view by selecting the fields to display for each resource.
*Resource status legend — An explanation of what certain data in the viewlet represents.
*Running jobs — The jobs currently running shown in tabular format. You can customize the view by selecting fields to display for each job, or by limiting the display to jobs running longer than some period of time.
*Alert severity legend — An explanation of the various icons used to indicate the severity of an alert.
*Adminserver status — The number of AdminServers that are currently running and offline.
*Collection members — A list of all members of the collection, including other collections. A description of the member also appears, if available.