You access existing search criteria from the OpenEdge Management Component Library.
To access either OpenEdge Management- or user-defined search criteria:
1. Select Library > View > Search Criteria from the OpenEdge Management console menu bar. The Library.Search Criterion page appears.
The following predefined categories display:
AppServer Internet Adapter
AppServer Broker
AppServer Server
MSS DataServer Broker
MSS DataServer Server
ODBC DataServer Broker
ODBC DataServer Server
Oracle DataServer Broker
Oracle DataServer Server
Progress Application Server
SonicMQ Adapter Broker
SonicMQ Adapter Server
WebSpeed Broker
WebSpeed Server
Web Services Adapter
OE Web Server
2. Click the category from which you want to select a predefined search.
An expanded sub-list of the search criterion page appears.
3. Select the specific search you want to access.
The Search Crietrion properties summary page appears.
4. Review, edit, copy, or delete the search, as needed. Remember the following points if you elect to change or delete any existing search criteria:
If you change any values associated with a search criterion that is currently associated with log file monitors, those changes will propagate through all existing instances of the log file monitors that use that specific search criterion.
If you attempt to delete a search criterion that is the last one currently defined in a given category, a message displays asking if you would like to delete the category at the same time.
If you attempt to delete a search criterion that is associated with any log file monitor, OpenEdge Management displays a warning message.
This message appears regardless of the log file monitor's status as enabled or disabled.