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Progress Application Server for OpenEdge Configuration
TCMAN Reference : Server actions : Stop an instance (stop)

Stop an instance (stop)


Stop a running instance, either gracefully or forcibly.
Note: TCMAN supports stopping a server instance that is not configured with a shutdown port.
On UNIX platforms stopping the running server instance is accomplished by sending a UNIX signal to the PAS process. Therefore, the administrator's process must have the UNIX permissions to signal the PAS process. On Windows platforms, the instance is identified using an OS process id that is used to stop server processes.

Syntax stop [general_options] [-F[-w seconds]]


Specify one or more of the general TCMAN options. Run help stop to see which general options are appropriate.
Kill the sever process if it does not stop after a default wait time (5 seconds on UNIX, 10 seconds on Windows). Change the default wait interval by using the –w option.
-w seconds
Optionally specify the number of seconds to wait before killing a server process.


Stop the server in /psc/acme1, which is an instance of the core server in /psc/pashome:
/psc/acme1/bin/ stop
Using CATALINA_BASE: /psc/acme1
Using CATALINA_HOME: /psc/pashome
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /psc/acme1/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /tools/linuxx86_64/java64/jdk1.7.0_02/
Using CLASSPATH: /psc/pashome/bin/bootstrap.jar:/psc/pashome/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Using CATALINA_PID: /psc/acme1/temp/


*TCMAN supports stopping a server instance that is not configured with a shutdown port.
On UNIX platforms stopping the running server instance is accomplished by sending a UNIX signal to the PAS process. Therefore, the administrator's process must have the UNIX permissions to signal the PAS process. On Windows platforms, the instance is identified using an OS process id that is used to stop server processes.
The following is an example a message you would see after a forced shut down with no shut down port:
Sep 23, 2013 4:10:47 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina stopServer
SEVERE: No shutdown port configured. Shut down server through OS signal.
Server not shut down.
Killing Tomcat with the PID: 14230
*Process ids are stored in the following locations:
PID File Path
*You can also obtain the process id of a server by running the TCMAN env action.