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Getting Started with Multi-tenancy
Getting Started with Multi-tenancy in the Database Administration Console : Step 8: Setting up the super-tenant's database login user credentials

Step 8: Setting up the super-tenant's database login user credentials

By default, connections for databases defined in OpenEdge Management/OpenEdge Explorer use the blank user ID. In order to access tenant data, you must set up the database connection to use the credentials for either a user for a regular tenant or for a super-tenant. Because super-tenants can access all users' data, establishing a database connection as a super-tenant will allow you to perform operations such as dumping and loading of data and editing sequences for any tenant. If you establish a connection with the credentials of a user for a regular tenant, you can perform operations for only that tenant.
For details, see:
Setting up a database connection login in OpenEdge Management and Explorer: Configuring Multi-tenancy