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Database Management
Examining Data from an OpenEdge Database : Changing database control settings

Changing database control settings

From the Database details page, click Control in the Command and Control section to access the Database Control page.
The Database Control page provides information about the current database and database agent settings and allows you to start and stop a managed database and agent. For a scripted database, the page allows you to see the database status and the remote monitoring agent status, and to copy the command line that you use to start the dbagent on the remote machine. You can also stop the remote monitoring agent from a scripted database's Database Control page.
You can perform the following from the Database Control page of a managed database:
Stop the database by clicking Stop Database; the status is updated to Not Running. To restart the database, click Start Database. (This is the same button—the text changes to display the opposite status of the one currently set.)
Note: The database agent, or monitoring agent, works only if the database is running. Therefore, when you stop a database, the monitoring agent status automatically changes to Not Running. However, when you start the local database, the agent does not automatically start.
Change the status of a database monitor from Enabled to Disabled by clicking Edit and clearing the Enabled check box. If you disable database monitors, the database still appears under Databases in the list frame. However, the database is no longer being monitored by OpenEdge Management.
If you delete a database from within OpenEdge Management, you have permanently removed it from the console. It is preferable to disable the database (rather than delete it) because you have more options to use the resource at a later time. For example, you could copy and reuse the database's configuration for a new database you create, or you could migrate the database using the Database Migration Utility. You can also delete it and add it again in the future if necessary.
Note that you can still continue to run historical reports against a database you delete from OpenEdge Management.