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Alerts Guide and Reference
Alerts Setup and Maintenance : Reviewing initial monitoring plan settings : Understanding alert options and default values

Understanding alert options and default values

Figure 3 highlights some of the default values and the override hierarchy available when you set up resource monitoring plans. The primary purpose of the diagram is to focus on the alert-related options available at the global, resource type, and individual resource monitor levels.

General and Resource Monitoring options

The top block in Figure 3 identifies the options and defaults you can set globally on the OpenEdge Management General Configuration page and the OpenEdge Management Resource Monitoring Configuration page. You access these pages by choosing Options in the OpenEdge Management console.
Establishing alert-related options at this level can help to promote consistency within your alert data through the use of default values. However, you can override these default global settings at the resource type or individual resource monitor levels.
After you have defined your initial configuration settings, you can refine particular global settings by:
*Changing the alert-related selections.
*Turning global settings on or off. For example, you can elect to suspend OpenEdge Management's alerts generation feature, or enable or disable resource polling for all active resource monitors.

Resource Monitor Defaults pages

The middle block in Figure 3 focuses on alert-related options available on the Resource Monitor Defaults pages. Among the various defaults values that you can set from each resource-specific default page, you can display and change default polling attributes associated with each resource type.
A polling interval determines how often a rule is evaluated. Therefore, you can determine a uniform polling interval that OpenEdge Management uses as a part of the criteria for determining when a rule violation will cause an alert to be triggered. Resource type default values can also be overridden at the individual resource monitor level.

Resource Monitoring Plan pages

The bottom block in Figure 3 identifies the lowest level in this hierarchy. This individual resource monitor level inherits values set at the higher global or resource type levels. When you override values on a Resource Monitoring Plan page for an individual resource monitor, your changes affect only the specific resource monitor.

For additional reference information

The following table identifies where you can find additional details about monitoring plans and alerts.
Table 2. Additional monitoring plan and alerts information
For details about . . .
See . . .
Selecting an action to be applied to all internal alerts
Accessing and changing values associated with resource monitor types
The appropriate sections in OpenEdge Management: Resource Monitoring
Accepting or overriding values at the individual resource level