You can associate actions with each alert. Possible actions include:
Default Action —Define a default action.
You can modify the default action, or you can create a new action by copying and editing the existing default action.
Email Action — Within the email action are options to do the following:
Default Clear — Clear the action.
Default Mail — Send an e-mail notification. This action can be used to send e-mail to one or more operators.
Default Pager — Send a message to electronic devices that support a text message display, such as a computer, a PDA, a pager, or a cell phone.
Default Task Action — The running of a defined job. You can use this action to perform a recovery procedure that remedies the alert condition.
For example, you can configure an e-mail action to send a message to the operator responsible for the resource on which an error occurred. You can also configure an alert to send e-mail to the responsible operator and execute a particular command at the same time. For detailed steps on creating actions and associating alerts with them, see the appropriate sections in OpenEdge Management: Resource Monitoring.