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Setting up Remote Resource Monitoring and Configuration : Remote monitoring and configuration requirements

Remote monitoring and configuration requirements

Remote monitoring and configuration require that you have:
*One OpenEdge installation.
For you to perform remote monitoring and configuration, the OpenEdge installation must include OpenEdge Management. For you to perform remote configuration only, OpenEdge Management is not required. You can use OpenEdge Explorer, which is installed with OpenEdge for certain products, as described in Optionally configuring the OpenEdge Management Trend Database.
One supported standalone installation of OpenEdge Release 11.3 or later, and 11.3 remote AdminServers.
In this standalone installation, neither OpenEdge Management nor OpenEdge Explorer can be enabled. If either is enabled, you must disable it in the Progress or OpenEdge product by running a script known as unglue.
You can monitor multiple AdminServers (AdminServers and/or standalone OpenEdge installations), and you must have system administrator or root permissions on each machine.
When OpenEdge Management is configured for remote monitoring on a host machine, messages are exchanged between it and one or more remote machines. These messages are time stamped, and the time information is used in the communication protocol used between the machines. It is, therefore, important that the machines involved have their universal time setting coordinated. This can be accomplished by ensuring that the machines subscribe to an NTP time service.