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Setting Up OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer for the First Time : Preparing to set up OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer

Preparing to set up OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer

Consider the following factors before you set up OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer for the first time:
*Determine the names and locations of the resources that you need to monitor and the properties you want to configure. You can configure properties for resources associated with local and remote AdminServers. With OpenEdge Management, you can also monitor certain resources running under a local or remote AdminServer.
*(In OpenEdge Management only) Determine whether to save monitoring information to the OpenEdge Management Trend Database and, if saving the monitoring information, decide where to locate the database.
The OpenEdge Management Trend Database stores the monitoring information that OpenEdge Management collects for databases, system resources, file resource, network resources, the AppServer, WebSpeed Transaction Server, and the NameServer. During configuration, you can choose whether to save monitoring information locally, remotely, or not at all. Before installation, you should decide if you want to save this data and where you want to save it.
OpenEdge Management automatically creates the OpenEdge Management Trend Database if you have an OpenEdge® Enterprise RDBMS, an OpenEdge® Workgroup RDBMS, or an OpenEdge® Personal database installed on the same machine where you are installing OpenEdge Management.
If you decide to save monitoring information remotely, the remote machine must have both a database (Enterprise or Workgroup) and OpenEdge Management installed. In other words, you cannot just copy a trending database to a remote machine.
The local instance of OpenEdge Management must communicate with a remote instance of OpenEdge Management to use the remote trending database.
*(In OpenEdge Management only) Determine how monitoring might affect system performance.
The more resources you monitor, the more system resources OpenEdge Management uses. If you plan to monitor a large number of database servers and network services in your configuration, you might want to consider configuring additional OpenEdge Management instances, both locally and remotely.
See OpenEdge Management CPU and memory requirements for more information.
*Note that OpenEdge Management runs as a plug-in to the AdminServer; your resources can be administered by OpenEdge Explorer and command-line utilities, such as dbman or asbman. Therefore, you should be familiar with the AdminServer functionality.
You can access online help while working in the management console. For details about the dbman or asbman utility, see OpenEdge Data Management: Database Administration.
*Ensure that you start the AdminServer before starting OpenEdge Management. You can start or stop the AdminServer using the following commands:
proadsv -start
proadsv -stop
*To start or stop AdminServer in Windows, use the run command services.msc and then start or stop the AdminService for OpenEdge service.
*If you do not preconfigure OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer to autostart, you can stop and start either one manually, as follows:
fathom -start
fathom -stop
To open OpenEdge Management/OpenEdge Explorer in a browser, select Start > Programs (or All Programs) > Progress > OpenEdge > Management Console. (If you do not have OpenEdge Management installed and are using only OpenEdge Explorer, select Start > Programs (or All Programs) > Progress > OpenEdge > OpenEdge Explorer.)
The initial user name and password are admin/admin.
For details about using command-line options with OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer, see Administering OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer.
* Using the management console
* Using the Database Administration Console