The simplest way to deploy OpenEdge Management is to install it on a single host where only local resources are to be monitored. A local resource is a system, network, file, or OpenEdge server resource that exists on the same host as OpenEdge Management.
A database on the same host as OpenEdge Management is a managed database, provided that the database is recognized by the AdminServer also running OpenEdge Management. OpenEdge Management can also monitor scripted databases, which are not under AdminServer control, whether on the same host as OpenEdge Management or on other machines.
In the scenario shown below, all components of OpenEdge Management exist on the same host, Machine A.
OpenEdge Management is running inside the AdminServer on Machine A. The OpenEdge Management Trend Database and all monitored resources are also on Machine A.
On Machine B are a dbagent and a scripted database, which is running outside of the AdminServer on Machine A.