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Administering OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer : Changing the OpenEdge Management SNMP Adapter settings

Changing the OpenEdge Management SNMP Adapter settings

OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer provides an SNMP management agent (SNMP Adapter) for responding to administrative information queries from your SNMP management console or SNMP manager. OpenEdge supports SNMP versions 2c and 3. OEM defaults to SNMP version 2c.
In response to the queries from your manager, the information that the SNMP agent retrieves is called a variable binding and is uniquely identified by an object identifier (OID). For instance, the OID is defined for the 'up-time of agent' value.
All SNMP messages are sent as protocol data units (PDU). A PDU consists of a header and a variable binding. A PDU can be of the following types: GET, SET, BULKGET, GETNEXT, or NOTIFICATION. A PDU of the GET or NOTIFICATION type is an asynchronous notification and also called a trap. The manager can set alerts in OEM to receive traps when an alert is triggered. In response to receiving a trap, the manager performs a recording action, such as sending an e-mail or recording a statistic. Depending on your SNMP environment configuration, the trap is sent to a specific host or to a broadcast address. The description for all the traps for possible OEM alerts is stored in the OEM MIB file, PSC-FM-MIB.txt, available at the <OpenEdge-install-dir>/config location.
In SNMP version 2c, you can assign users to read and write access to the SNMP agent. SNMP version 3 adds security enhancements to the SNMP version 2c functionality. SNMP version 3 authenticates users to access the SNMP agent and relies on a User-based Security Model (USM) for providing 3 security levels:
*Communication without authentication and privacy (NoAuthNoPriv)
*Communication with authentication and without privacy (AuthNoPriv)
*Communication with authentication and privacy (AuthPriv)
The minimum security level required is NoAuthNoPriv.
Note: The security configuration of the SNMP manager must match the OEM SNMP security configuration. For example, if you are using SNMP version 3 with AuthNoPriv in OEM, the SNMP manager must be configured to use SNMP version 3 with AuthNoPriv.
If you have installed the SNMP Adapter, you can change the current SNMP Adapter settings.
To change the SNMP Adapter settings:
1. From the management console menu bar, click Options.
The Options page appears.
2. Click SNMP Adapter.
The SNMP Adapter page appears and displays the SNMP agent status and information.
3. Click Edit. You can set the SNMP version and one or more of the following settings:
*SNMP Version— The version of SNMP.
*SNMP agent port— The port number of the host machine on which the SNMP management agent resides. The SNMP agent translates the requests from the SNMP management console and interprets MIB variables. The default port number is 8001.
*Default SNMP trap port— The default port number to which traps are sent. The default port number is 8002.
*If you set the SNMP version as Version 2c, set the following options:
*Default SNMP read community — The community that specifies who has permissions to read which variables.
*Default SNMP write community — The community that specifies who has permissions to write which variables (in the case of the OpenEdge Management MIB, the values are read-only.)
*If you set the SNMP version as Version 3, set the following options:
*Security Name — The SNMP security user name. This user name is required to access the SNMP agent.
*Security Level — The SNMP security level. You can select from 3 security levels:
Table 5. SNMP version 3 security levels
Security level
No Authentication and No Privacy
This level does not require you to set any authentication and privacy options.
Authentication but No Privacy
This level requires you to set the following authentication options:
*Authentication Protocol — The authentication mechanism that is used to generate a hash of the authentication password (SHA or MD5).
*Authentication Password — The SNMP security authentication password.
Authentication and Privacy
This level requires you to set the authentication options and the following privacy options:
*Privacy Protocol — The encryption protocol used to encrypt SNMP communications (AES256, 3DES, AES, AES128, or AES192).
Note: If the JVM does not support AES192 and AES256, these protocols are not displayed as available options. To support these protocols, you can update the security policy configuration from Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files.
*Privacy Password — The SNMP security privacy password.
*Autostart SNMP— The option to autostart the SNMP agent.
4. Click Submit.
You can click Cancel to ignore the changes made.
5. Optionally, click Stop SNMP Agent to stop the SNMP agent.
You can click Start SNMP Agent to start the SNMP agent.