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Configuring OpenEdge Databases : Starting or stopping the database

Starting or stopping the database

OpenEdge Management and OpenEdge Explorer support starting and stopping both local databases and databases running under a remote AdminServer on another machine. A local database resides on the same machine as OpenEdge Management or OpenEdge Explorer.
Before you can start or stop a database, you must first connect to the AdminServer that contains a definition of the database.
To start or stop a database, refer to the Starting or Stopping OpenEdge resources section in OpenEdge Management: Servers, DataServers, Messengers, and AdaptersThe database agent works only if the database is running. Therefore, when you stop a database, the agent status automatically changes to Not Running. However, when you start a local database whose AgentMonitored property is disabled, the agent does not automatically start. You must specifically click Start Agent in the Database control page.
Note: You can run only one configuration for a database at a time. You can set the database configuration to start automatically when the AdminServer starts. For details, see Startinga database automatically.
* Starting a database automatically