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Configuring SonicMQ Adapters : Configuring a SonicMQ Adapter : SonicMQ Adapter broker properties : SonicMQ Adapter Broker Logging Setting properties
SonicMQ Adapter Broker Logging Setting properties
Table 101. SonicMQ Adapter Broker Logging Setting properties
Broker log filename
The broker log file for this SonicMQ Adapter broker instance.
Broker logging level
The amount of information written to the broker log. The possible values are as follows:
*None — Log no entries. This is equivalent to turning logging off.
*Error Only — Log OpenEdge error messages. This includes all error messages and is unrelated to the entry types specified. Errors continue to be logged at all higher levels.
*Basic — Logging entry types determine the logged information. Each entry type generates at least some output. This is the default.
*Verbose — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Basic.
*Extended — Logging entry types determine the logged information, but it is typically more information than Verbose.
Append to broker log file
A check box that you select if you want the SonicMQ Adapter broker to look for the log file each time it starts up. If the log file is present, the new information is added to the end of the existing file. If there is no log file, a new file is created.
Broker logging entry types
A single entry or comma delimited list of logging entry types.
Broker log file threshold size
A limit on how large the log file can get (in bytes). When the log is full, the broker creates a new log file with a sequence number (1 to 999,999).
Possible values: 500000 - 2147483647.
Maximum number of broker log files
A limit on how many broker log files are kept on the system when there is a threshold limit. The value represents the number of log files including the current one. Includes any rolled over log files that already exist when process started.